After using Telegram, French government wants to develop their encrypted messaging app.
As many people know, French government is using Telegram a lot, to avoid seeing their message leaking in the press, or anywhere else.
The main problem of Telegram for them is that the security may not be sufficient,
“Telegram does not encrypt group messages, even if they present it in the form of encrypted messaging.”
The time when Telegram was used by the ministers is done, as they announce the project of launching their own encrypted instant messaging app, that is not going to be available if you are not part of the French government.
“From Scratch.” Instead of using an existing solution, they think that the best way to do it would be to start from scratch. Even if, there is a few good and secure solution.
For now, the idea is on standby, so, time will tell us if it’s going to happen soon or not.
There’s like a feeling of « déjà vu,» like with CLIP, the French OS…