Categories: HardwareMobileNews

The 5G will bring way more than just high-speed internet on mobile.

The 5G will bring way more than just high-speed internet on mobile.

At this very moment, there are around 50 billion devices connected, but this number is growing like crazy! That’s the reason why we need a solid network, but also, smarter.

Autonomous cars, VR, mobile, domotic… The list can be long, as we are connecting more and more devices, even the simplest one such as a fridge.

The 5G will allow a few innovations: Low latency, low power consumption, and of course, a hight internet speed.

But one of the most important things is the ability of the 5G to adapt depending on the device or even the app. An app to get the weather doesn’t need very low latency or to use all the speed the 5G will offer.

An autonomous car, on the other hand, will need to take advantage of it.

To make it simple; the 5G will be able to prioritize how an app or device will use the network.

Even if we are talking about later this year or even 2019-2020 to have access to this brand new network, the deployment will take years, as it’s very complicated to set-up those kinds of infrastructure.

This may be the next big revolution, so I can assure you that we can’t wait to witness that!

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Jeremy Dahan